Some People Believe They Should Keep All The Money They Have Earned And Should Not Pay Tax To The State. Do You Agree Or Disagree?

Paying tax is always a debatable issue among the people. A few people think that tax should not be paid to government on the money which they earn. However, I disagree with this statement of not paying tax to the state. In further paragraphs, I shall give reasons why paying tax is essential for people.

There are various reasons why tax should be paid to the government; the first reason is that all the developments which take place in states or cities such as roads, public parks, public transportation, health care, etc. are built with the help of taxpayers' money. If people do not pay taxes then it will be very difficult for government to develop these things. Furthermore, we use these things in our daily life and it is our duty to pay for the services which we use. Besides this, the salaries of government workers are also paid by taxation. Without taxation, government cannot pay salaries to these workers.

In addition to this, government needs tax money to run their administrative offices because it has no such system in itself to generate profit for their functioning. In other words, government can run its administrative offices through the money which it earns in the form of tax. What is more, the state’s growth is directly connected with tax. These reasons prove that taxes should be paid by citizens.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that taxes are very important for government as well as for public because public facilities are totally depended on taxpayers' money, without tax state’s growth and development is impossible.


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