The Graph Below Shows The Daily Consumption Of Three Spreads Per Person From 1981 To 2007 In A Country.

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The line graph compares per day consumption of different spreads, namely Margarine, Low fat& reduced spreads, Butter in a country between 1981 and 2007. The daily per person consumption is measured in grams.

Overall, the consumption of all spreads declined significantly from 1981 to 2007 with the exception of low fat & reduced spreads. At the beginning, Butter was the most popular spread, however in the final year, low fat and reduced spreads became the most popular spread.

Looking into detail, Butter was the most preferred spread with 140 grams per day per person in 1981, Followed by margarine with nearly 90 grams. However, the consumption of low fat and reduced spreads only started in 1996 at almost 10 grams. After that it increased drastically and reached at its peak 80 grams in 2001, and became the most consumed spread with a little decline of 10 grams in 2007.

The consumption of butter and margarine decreased dramatically over the period of 26 years. In details, butter’s consumption rose steadily and touched a high of 160 grams per capita in 1986, before falling continuously to nearly 55 grams by 2007. Similarly, Margarine showed the same trend with some fluctuations, decreasing from approximately 90 grams to 40 grams between 1981 and 2007.


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