The Graph Below Shows The Percentage Of Dependents In 2000 And The Predicted Figures In 2050 In Five Countries And Also Gives The World Average.

Past Tense- Sub + v2 + object

Future tense- Sub + will +v1 form+ object  Or  use word like Predict, forecast, expected

The bar graph compares the proportion of dependents (children below 15 or adults above 65) in India, Indonesia, china, Korea and Japan in 2000 and also gives projections for 2050. It also illustrates the world average in the given two years.

Overall, it can be seen that the proportion of dependents is projected to incline in four countries except India.

Looking into detail, in 2000, India had the highest percentage of reliant people (almost 38%), followed by Japan, Indonesia and china with around 34% of dependents. Korea had the least proportion of dependents (around 22%). The World average of the dependents was 25%.

However, In the future, Indonesia, Korea, china and Japan will see an increase in the population of dependents. In details, dependents people will double in Korea by 2050, from 22% to 44%. Almost 15% increase is predicted for japan, while China and Indonesia will show the least rise, 2% and 4%, respectively. In Contrast, the needy people is expected to decrease in India.  The world average of dependents is predicated to jump up from 25% to nearly 43%.  


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