
Showing posts from August, 2020

VIK IELTS : Future Simple Tense | IELTS


Some People Believe They Should Keep All The Money They Have Earned And Should Not Pay Tax To The State. Do You Agree Or Disagree?

Paying tax is always a debatable issue among the people. A few people think that tax should not be paid to government on the money which they earn. However, I disagree with this statement of not paying tax to the state. In further paragraphs, I shall give reasons why paying tax is essential for people. There are various reasons why tax should be paid to the government; the first reason is that all the developments which take place in states or cities such as roads, public parks, public transportation, health care, etc. are built with the help of taxpayers' money. If people do not pay taxes then it will be very difficult for government to develop these things. Furthermore, we use these things in our daily life and it is our duty to pay for the services which we use. Besides this, the salaries of government workers are also paid by taxation. Without taxation, government cannot pay salaries to these workers. In addition to this, government needs tax money to run their administrative o

The Graph Below Shows The Percentage Of Dependents In 2000 And The Predicted Figures In 2050 In Five Countries And Also Gives The World Average.

Past Tense- Sub + v2 + object Future tense- Sub + will +v1 form+ object  Or  use word like Predict, forecast, expected The bar graph compares the proportion of dependents (children below 15 or adults above 65) in India, Indonesia, china, Korea and Japan in 2000 and also gives projections for 2050. It also illustrates the world average in the given two years. Overall, it can be seen that the proportion of dependents is projected to incline in four countries except India. Looking into detail, in 2000, India had the highest percentage of reliant people (almost 38%), followed by Japan, Indonesia and china with around 34% of dependents. Korea had the least proportion of dependents (around 22%). The World average of the dependents was 25%. However, In the future, Indonesia, Korea, china and Japan will see an increase in the population of dependents. In details, dependents people will double in Korea by 2050, from 22% to 44%. Almost 15% increase is predicted for japan, while China and Indones

The Graph Below Shows The Daily Consumption Of Three Spreads Per Person From 1981 To 2007 In A Country.

Tense- Past simple we will use- Sub+ V2nd + Adverb+ Obj. The line graph compares per day consumption of different spreads, namely Margarine, Low fat& reduced spreads, Butter in a country between 1981 and 2007. The daily per person consumption is measured in grams. Overall, the consumption of all spreads declined significantly from 1981 to 2007 with the exception of low fat & reduced spreads. At the beginning, Butter was the most popular spread, however in the final year, low fat and reduced spreads became the most popular spread. Looking into detail, Butter was the most preferred spread with 140 grams per day per person in 1981, Followed by margarine with nearly 90 grams. However, the consumption of low fat and reduced spreads only started in 1996 at almost 10 grams. After that it increased drastically and reached at its peak 80 grams in 2001, and became the most consumed spread with a little decline of 10 grams in 2007. The consumption of butter and margarine decreased dramati

The Graph Below Shows The Spending On Research Into Renewable Sources Of Energy In Four Countries Between 1975 and 2000.

Tense- past simple: - Sub + verb (2nd form) + adverb + obj. The line graph compares the research expenditure of four countries into renewable sources of energy from 1975 to 2000. Overall, all four countries spent the various amount of money on research into renewable source of energy, but Switzerland and Denmark illustrated the maximum expenditure. It can be seen that in 1975 the spending on research of four countries was nil. However, after 1975, the expenditure increased in two countries: Switzerland and Denmark. In detail, the Swiss spending on research inclined gradually and became the highest expenditure country on research with $5 per person by 2000. Similarly, the Danish’s spending on research hiked and touched its all-time high of $3.5 per person in 2000. On the other hand, Spain and the UK showed the same trend. The expenditure of both countries on research jumped to above $1 per person in 1980. After that, both countries depicted fluctuations over the two decades. However, at

The Diagram Below Shows The Process Of Canning Of Fish.

Manufacturing process - use passive voice Obj. + is/are + v3rd form + by +sub. The given diagram illustrates how canned fish are produced. Overall, it is clear that there are 15 steps involved in the production of canning of fish which starts from fishing and ends at the supermarket. It can be seen that firstly, the fish are caught and then frozen and stored in the second step. After that, frozen fish are unloaded and weighed before being thawed.  After thawing, they are cut into big pieces and then are steam cooked.  Then cooked fish are cooled and filtered or cut into small pieces. After this, these pieces are canned with brine, water or oil. These canned fish are sealed and heated for sterilization in the next step. In the last three steps, the cans are labeled or stamped before storing and then dispatched to the super markets for sale.